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Fishing all summer on Dogger Bank
when Harry Daley was seven

Randolph says
          "I'd rather have Christmas with you than with my Mun"
I'm sick and bust, and
Gloria buys a painting
Feeding Alistair and Donna's pet food roll and a tail
cat Tiger
Miles Davis' album Summertime with Gil Evans. 1953
Cooly intense. Canadian television — Chasing Rainbows.
And two books with the punch people put into past lives
Harry Daly's This Small Cloud
Dad was born in 1896
a few bays along from Harry Daley
Lovely front chapters with an innocent
radiance people who lived through WWI knew thay'd lost
I feel I've always known about this place
this life
And further back. Being a young boy staying in a
sleazy dockside pub in Arthur Morrison's
The Hole in the Wall
The lurching crazy plot, melodramitic writing style
keeps throwing me off balance
Genuingly small kid terrified I jump out of bed
let my pohutukawa's goodmorning embraces engulf me
Black footy shorts waking up. Miss Catlins' rata...

1989   acrylic on hardboard   1200 x 900mm