In Wellington
James Gilberd of Photospace Gallery (Superb web page entry about my 2001 show there, Romance on the Menu)
Jeff Henderson formerly of "The Space" (web entry particularly profiling art works accompanying the launch of Bouncing With Billie)
David Austin of Walrus Gallery
Sally Hanna of Rent A Picture
Brian Weyburne of Wellington Art Patrons Association
In Rotorua
- Jill Walker of Hei Tiki Gallery, and her partner Brian Potiki own an extensive collection of my works
In Dunedin
In Balclutha (South Otago, at the start of the Catlins scenic adventure)
- Hans & Marianne Verdoner of Art Inn.
I wish to thank the following people:
Ernest Leaning, my suburban Shakespeare bud for his fun, and willingness to do more than his share of things around our home so I can indulge my creativity too.
Paula Savage, and her team at City Gallery Wellington for their vigorous support of my art work.
My publishers, Roger and Christine Steele of Steele Roberts Ltd, for their continuing enthusiastic friendship and support.
Peter Coates of TV 1's Inside/ Out disability issues documentary program for slotting in numerous "specials" about me, into already impossibly busy programming.
Kylie Fyfe of Pataka Porirua Museum of Arts & Cultures for your "Tell me the minute you know when your next show is" passionateness.
Peter McLeavey for the ultimate compliment "Fergus - You are a true poet of the heart"

Peter Cowley for his double banger commitment to both setting up this web page, and getting me computer literate.
Passionateness - thank you to all the Wellington art dealers who welcome me to their presentations.
My well being team, Doctors Cathy Hadley and Diane Hodges, osteopath Geoff Pitt, acupuncturist Philip Jamieson - I'm loving having my hearing stretched. Well-being is also economic, I am hugely appreciative of the involvement of Lisa Matthews of Wellington People's Centre, Richard Noble of Downtown Community Ministry, Max Rossi of Max Consulting. My friends who embellish my life with festivity and merriment. As I move from normal endless middle age into ancientness -
I am glad to be documented South Coasting and partying in Tristram Barker's short film (b)LEAR.
My Kodak Express people at Newtown Mall Pharmacy who make sure my favourite photos look immaculate.