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It's foolish to start

Chas makes a cheap pair of/ArtBook/Its-foolisth-to-start - sketch.jpg
green nylon underpants
sexy and sensational gouge
up between his cheeks.
My sixth sense tells me us
is over. We have this fight
over wether it's okay for
me to come to Tahora
Music Festival with him. But
there's all this other stuff
we can't resolve underneath.
For Chad's beaut big arse
the music of Lil Green, a
forgotton lady who cleaned
houses, and sang in Chicago
in the 1940s.
If only you'd known you were
gay, the Friday night I met
you. You were having a meal
on your own in the Greenstone
Room. It must have been 1982
and I'm too grumpy to be able
to tuen my life around to
fit you in. Fergus. Too tired.

1992   acrylic on hardboard   600 x 600mm