Chas (II)
I don't generally have my friends say"Hey Fergus I'll model for youthen you can paint melike then one ofm you in your studio."It's not a very good paintingBut I love it, look at it each time I telephoneand have found, there are people aroundwho think it's disgusting and sordid to haveballs and a cock —under the fireman's hose thunderstormarc of water from the link in the gutterI soap up —
They want want me to chop the bottom two inches off.
There's just then light from the heater
and my reading light on the floor
and Chas reaches up to rub his left eye
by the 1954 record cover of Lady Sings The Blues
through our cigarello haze
his shadowy left shoulder
challenging with Graham and Bernard and Gerard
our fear of backrubs
It being not okey to be
1992-96 acrylic on hardboard 2100 x 900mm